Engaged in a positive pursuit
Can one be happy without a purpose in life? It is an aristocratic idea that all individuals can and will accomplish greatness. Every person wishes to elevate their current position. Did the janitor dream of being a janitor as a child?
There will always be a working class. There will always be haves and have nots and the haves will always want more just the same as the have nots want more. Whether the "more" that is wanted is esteem from colleagues and friends or a better quality of life the desire is there.
It's a question of motive. One can claim whatever motive they want but that claimed motive may be an attempt to gain esteem from others therefore can not be trusted. Discovery of true motive requires much inward meditation and exploration. Motive is not arbitrarily chosen, picked out in a whim. Motive runs deep and is nearly unchangeable.
Motive to survive.
What motivates me?
The esteem of others is a large contributor in all my actions. I want a successful career to tell mom and dad I have done good and can take care of them so that my friends and family will see that I am one of the greats. To feel a cut above the rest.
Why read the scriptures? Do I believe reading them will help my quality of life.
We only do things when we believe they will be of benefit to ourselves. Nothing we do is selfless. We may choose to do things because it is selfless but our motive in that case is esteem from others. We are selfless so others will see our selflessness.
Do we read our scriptures so others will see us read and see our spirituality.
Self preservation fear and pride. These are my motives. These are not moral motives.